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SPK Engineering's past projects

PA 21 Improvements Plan - Selection!

Michael Kilgore

We are extremely pleased to announce that the SPK Team was selected November 9th for the PA 21 Improvements Plan
for PennDOT Engineering District 12-0!

A project specific open-ended agreement will be executed to perform studies, preliminary engineering, final design, services during construction and right of way acquisition services for the PA 21 Improvements Project. Approximate limits for the project would be limited to the portion of PA 21 between US 19 in Waynesburg to US 40 in Uniontown. An in-depth and complex study will be completed for development and analysis of possible concepts to meet Pennsylvania Route 21 (PA 21) corridor purpose and needs; and to develop design strategies to improve safety and mobility on the transportation network. 

We are excited to begin this new assignment for PennDOT District 12-0!!